
Moltrasio on a December evening.

Moltrasio on a clear day in June.

The fairy-like house situated near the waterfall of the Pizzallo torrent.

Villa Passalacqua, erected in the 18th century by the Odescalchi family and later on enlarged by count
Andrea Passalacqua. Vincenzo Bellini lived here from 1829 to 1833,
where he composed La straniera and La sonnambula.

Villa Herker Hocevar (formerly Salterio), another residence of Bellini in the Moltrasio area.

Vincenzo Bellini in Moltrasio.

Left: the restaurant Imperialino.

Villa Passalacqua and the nearby church of S.Agata immersed in the colours of October.

Winston Churchill came to Villa La Rosa for a pleasure holiday. However, the presence of the Prime Minister was more likely due to the finding of the secrete correspondence of Mussolini (who had been executed a few months earlier in a town near the Lario).

Villa Fontanelle (1800), former residence of Gianni Versace, who often hosted times showbiz celebrities like Elton John, Madonna and many others.

July Sunday at the beach.

Moltrasio and the state road Regina.

The waterfalls of Pizzallo and Cam.

  • Private garden.
  • Wisteria with villa Taverna
    in the background.
  • Solitude on the lake.

I mark serene hours only…

Venus (or Jupiter?) shining in the sky.