
Bellagio among the roses, toward the evening.

Maiolica: the lights of Bellagio.

April blooming plants in the close vicinity of Villa Carlotta.

Griante-Cadenabbia and the flowers of Villa Melzi.

From the hills of Griante the panorama extends over the upper part of the lake,
set against the sharp peak of the Legnoncino mount.

The Grand Hotel Britannia and the steamer Concordia.

The Grand Hotel Cadenabbia (formerly named Bellevue, 1802).

The pictures show the floating pool of the Britannia Hotel (left) and the public pool on the beach.

The charming Villa Maria dating back to the end of 1800, commissioned by the American Martin Clerc.

The first Anglican church built in Italy, mindful of the Anglo-Saxon Tourism of Tremezzina. It was consecrated in 1891. 

The greenhouse of glass and wrought iron of Villa Maria.

In Villa Margherita Giuseppe Verdi wrote part of La Traviata. The musician was a guest of Milan editor Ricordi, who built the villa in 1852. A few years later, Verdi wrote to Ricordi:
“It rains, and rains and rains! Goodbye strolls, goodbye warm sun, goodbye to dreams and hopes of coming to Como! Books and music will take the place of air and sky, boredom will take the place of pleasure!” (Busseto, October 22, 1864).

Left: memorial plaque dedicated to Konrad Adenauer, a regular guest at Villa La Collina for many years.
Queen Victoria, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Tsar Nicholas II and Umberto of Savoy also vacationed in Cadenabbia.

The shore of Maiolica, a rare stretch of beach that winds through the rugged coastline of the Lario.
In this point, a strong northern wind often causes the waves to slosh back and forth heavily.

The promenade that leads to the little church of S. Martino.