
The central part of the lake (Tremezzina). We can see the Comacina island, the peninsula of Lavedo,
the Riviera of Tremezzo-Cadenabbia dominated by the Mount Crocione. 
Far away, in the mist, the expanse of the lake.

Panorama with the Grand Hotel Tremezzo.

The Grand Hotel Tremezzo, majestic hotel in Liberty style built in 1910. This was actress Greta Garbo’s favourite hotel. It is worth noting that Anglo-American tourists are extremely fond of Lake Como, in particular, Tremezzina and Bellagio; this long-standing tourist tradition dates back to 1800.

The parco Mayer-Olivelli during a thunderstorm.

A film crew in Mayer park.

Right: wedding on the lake.

Hotel Tremezzo and Villa Carlotta.

Steamship in front to Villa Carlotta.

Navigation along the coast.

The porticoes of Tremezzo and the historical restaurants Red and White and El Timon.

Villa La Quiete, a sumptuous palace with turquoise windows commissioned by the dukes Carretto at the beginning of 1700. Giuseppe Parini, tutor of the young Gian Galeazzo Serbelloni, holidayed here.

Mayer park in January.

Suggestive shades of a winter sunset over the gulf of Venus.

An eclectic castle, twin to Villa La Gaeta in Acquaseria and of Palazzo Cova in Milan, all designed and realised by the Coppedè brothers. Right: a glimpse of the castle close to the Lario Hotel.

Campestral scenes with the Lavedo promontory in the background...

...and Bellagio in the distance.

The hamlets of Viano, Rogaro and Volesio, set on the hills of Tremezzo,
placidly overlook the centre of the lake.